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The Guide To The Signs

The first thing you must do in order to understand astrology and interpret your chart is to learn about each Zodiac Sign and what they mean. Within this guide we will break down each zodiac sign, by their important information, characteristics, and who they are.



The Ram

Polarity/Duality: Positive

Element/ Triplicity: Fire

Quality/Quadruplicities: Cardinal

Time Period: March 19- April 19

House: 1st

Planet: Mars


Impulsive, Aggressive, Assertive, Dominant.

This sign is what begins the zodiac, due to this, this sign is all about creation. It represents the masculine in its purest form, the need for survival. This sign is all about being assertive and aggressive to be able to get it’s way, all the impulsive behavior is what makes Aries so bash. With aries they will put all of their energy into something resulting in promising results, However, this can cause Aries to get burnt out rather quickly. Aries is also a playful and forgetful sign, resembling the youth of the zodiac, Aries is always ready to put their energy into use.

With Aries being an initiator, There’s never a dull moment with this sign!



The Bull

Polarity/Duality: Negative

Element/ Triplicity: Earth

Quality/Quadruplicities: Fixed

Time Period: April 20th- May 20th

House: 2nd

Planet: Venus


Determined, Stubborn, Materialistic, Rigid

Fixed and ready to inspect anything you throw at them, Taurus is the one you call when you need something done efficiently. Due to Taurus being the second sign in the zodiac you can expect the feminine qualities such as fashion, cooking, gardening, and art to come out in this individual.This individuals will have a natural talent surrounded one of these areas, if not then their sheer determination and will, will get them far. That being said, expect patience and persistence from these natives as well. Once Taurus has their eye on something, they will not stop until they have achieved their objective.Taurus will find a logical way to be able to achieve what they want within life, and this is why Taurus is represented by "The Bull.” Just like the Bull, after a long day of sheer work they will rest just as hard as they worked. They usually do this by cooking up some amazing food, and enjoying every second of it. If there is one thing taurus loves to do, it is to rest. You can always rely on this individual to get the job done, however don’t be surprised how laidback they can become once the job is done.

They usually have plenty of stability in their lives.



The Twins

Polarity/Duality: Positive

Element/ Triplicity: Air

Quality/Quadruplicities: Mutable

Time Period: May 21- June 20

House: 3rd

Planet: Mercury


Communicative, Adaptable, Versatile, Innovative

Often known for their bad reputation, Gemini is the pair of twins in the zodiac that seems to be the most chattiest and the gossipers of the zodiac, however on the bright side; without Gemini, we would not have the lovely thing known as speech. Gemini is more than just gossip and it’s bad reputation. Gemini is all about learning and information intake. These natives are best known for how quickly they can learn any subject that can interest them for mere minutes. Their brains tend to move at a fast rate and they are quite good at coming up with multiple ideas. That’s what the twins themselves represent adaptability, Gemini will always be able to use quick thinking and their wits to be able to survive in any type of situation. They’re always looking for something new as they are the most curious of the zodiac, without gemini we would not have the answers to the question they constantly ask, so expect excitement when with them.

If you want a summary on what’s going on in the world, or even just some key-points in a class you missed, gemini is the sign to go to.



The Crab

Polarity/Duality: Negative

Element/ Triplicity: Water

Quality/Quadruplicities: Cardinal

Time Period: June 21 - July 22

House: 4th

Planet: Moon


Nurture,Emotional,Vulnerable, Protective

The metaphorical mother of the Zodiac, Cancer is very caring and passionate. Cancer is very emotionally expressive so it's not unheard of to see a few tears in their presence. However do not take their sensitivity and ability to express emotions for weakness. This water sign is greatly known for their ability to defend the ones they love with a snap of a claw.Known as “The Crab” these individuals definitely know how and when to be aggressive, that’s what this sign is all about the variety of emotions that are within human beings. They truly care for everyone who gets involved with them except those who prove they don’t deserve their kindness. With cancer being the fourth in the zodiac expect a lot of stability to come from them in terms of emotional support. Without the sign Cancer a house would not have been able to become home.

Family would not exist without the mother known as “Cancer”



The Lion

Polarity/Duality: Positive

Element/ Triplicity: Fire

Quality/Quadruplicities: Fixed

Time Period: July 23 - August 22

House: 5th

Planet: Sun


Pride,Playful,Entertainer, Generous

The performer of the zodiac,known as always wanting attention, this individual usually always has the limelight and tends to never shy away from the spotlight.These individuals have a natural sense of confidence that everyone just seems to notice. Leo's are known best for their stage presence, when it comes to performing. Expect a show with them almost always, although childish at times, Leo's playful nature is what makes them such lively individuals. Leo is extremely generous to those dear to them and especially towards little kids. Without them we would not have any type of hobbies, art, entertainment or even sex. Leo is all about being creative and having fun, you can always rely on Leo’s leadership abilities and natural creativity to make any situation a good time, not only with children, but adults as well. As the fifth sign in the zodiac they are known for being creative, which not only does the audience like but so do kids.

Without Leo this world would be extremely bland with no sense of imagination.



The Maiden

Polarity/Duality: Negative

Element/ Triplicity: Earth

Quality/Quadruplicities: Mutable

Time Period: August 23 - September 22

House: 6th

Planet: Mercury


Analytic, Service, Perfection, Purity

Often known as the perfectionists of the zodiac, due to their pure nature. Virgo will always do their best to achieve perfection with any and all things they produce: work, services and livelihood. Virgo brings a detail oriented personality into the zodiac, which can come into the form of being a critical thinker. Due to this they can analyze and critique everything they see until they lose their minds, however they will always find a logical way to perfect or improve their craft and life.Similar to Gemini, Virgos are big thinkers, due to their constant analysis on how to make things better in order to do the best service possible. Without them we would not have services that we can rely on to be able to provide us with the necessities we need, this is why they are known as “The Maiden.” Expect an over analysis of everything and blunt feedback with this sign around, in order to achieve the best quality.

Virgo is the sign you go to when you need critiques and the best way to achieve your goals.



The Scale

Polarity/Duality: Positive

Element/ Triplicity: Air

Quality/Quadruplicities: Cardinal

Time Period: September 23 - October 22

House: 7th

Planet: Venus


Cooperation, Diplomatic, Partnership, Harmony

Libra, the scales, is the sign that favors diplomacy and equilibrium. They are all about equality and fairness as it relates to them, when you need someone who can be a mediator, Libra is the go to. Playing Devil’s advocate from time to time, Libra is the sign that can see both sides of any argument, or dispute, however due to this Libra may have a hard time picking a side or even an option. Which can make them very indecisive. Libra is very idealistic but still grounded,  known as an air head from time to time, this is just a camouflage. Due to Libra’s nature as an air sign they know how to get on everyone’s good side through the art of communication or even seduction. Libra is placed in the middle of the zodiac and blessed by the power of Venus so they are often referred to as the most beautiful because of perfect symmetry, with this charm it is no wonder people adore them. This sign is usually one of the most popular people around, negative or positive.

Without Libras, peace and common ground would not exist, they are the peacekeepers of the zodiac.



The Scorpion

Polarity/Duality: Negative

Element/ Triplicity: Water

Quality/Quadruplicities: Fixed

Time Period: October 23 - November 21

House: 8th

Planet: Pluto

Traditional Planet: Mars


Secretive, Sexuality, Mysterious, Intense

The mysterious sign of Scorpio likes to keep a cloak around them and to remain a secret. This is due to how intense they are, not only do they feel emotions very intensely but they are willing to do anything for the people they have intense feelings for. This ride or die sign resembles the intensity that life can bring. As detectives of the zodiac as well they use their intuition to uncover anything hidden, such as the taboos of life. They are the reason sexuality can become an open topic, why emotional security is placed in life and why endings can have a positive connotation.  Not only that but they also resemble the transformations that come with life.



The Archer

Polarity/Duality: Positive

Element/ Triplicity: Fire

Quality/Quadruplicities: Mutable

Time Period: November 22- December 21

House: 9th

Planet: Jupiter


Freedom, Seeker, Philosophy, Adventure

One of the most adventurous signs, Sagittarius, is known as the archer and explorer of the zodiac. Sagittarius is the explorer of the zodiac, it is the reason as to why we have been able to interact with all the different cultures around this world, due to their curious nature.However because of this nature, they don’t like to be tied down to anything too long so expect them to keep things on a loose leash. They are the types who want to know everything about every topic in this world.Without Sagittariuses’s bold and straightforward nature the deep philosophical ideas and answers in this world would be nonexistent. With their vast array of knowledge they are known as the teachers of the zodiac unlike Gemini, Sagittarius will make you a master in whatever you want to learn. These individuals are often very interested in philosophy, religion, and higher education of all sorts.

Without Sagittarius the unknown would not have a logical explanation.



The Goat

Polarity/Duality: Negative

Element/ Triplicity: Earth

Quality/Quadruplicities: Cardinal

Time Period: December 22 - January 20

House: 10th

Planet: Saturn


Discipline, Responsible,Consistent,Authoritative

Often known as the workaholic of the zodiac, Capricorn is a cutthroat strictly business sign. They are very work driven and usually always make sure their work is perfect before anything else.They are ambitious and always wanting more in life, this diligent sign is the sign that rules over everyone and commands them what to do. While Leo is the leader, Capricorn is the boss, the CEO of businesses all around, They are always doing their absolute best to make sure profit is made. Through all of this work they are able to live very comfortably via their materials.Their work isn’t all for pleasure, this materialistic sign loves to save their money and spend the remains on things they deem worthy.

Without Capricorn we not be able to achieve our ambitions and goals in a structure way



The Water-Bearer

Polarity/Duality: Positive

Element/ Triplicity: Air

Quality/Quadruplicities: Fixed

Time Period: January 21 - February 18

House: 11th

Planet: Uranus

Traditional Ruler: Saturn


Detachment, Eccentric, Futuristic, Revolutionary, Rebel

The eccentric individual that is blessed with an abstract mindset. Aquarian individuals usually grow feelings of feeling like they don’t know where they belong, but eventually begin to accept themselves later on. This is due to the futuristic and unusual questions that Aquarius asks and projects on to the world, due to this society deems their behavior as irrational. However, Aquarians are usually ahead of their time, even if at times they may exhibit unpredictable actions in their early years, or even as adults; There usually is a method to their madness that the world just cannot quite understand. However due to them being misunderstood they can end up being an outcast to society. This sign is very observant of society's injustices and typically they are very humanitarian, this can usually lead them to revolutionizing the world for the better. They value their isolation and usually need to detach for a bit in order to be able to function once again.

Without Aquarius science and rationality would not exist in this world.



The Fish

Polarity/Duality: Negative

Element/ Triplicity: Water

Quality/Quadruplicities: Mutable

Time Period: February 19 - March 20

House: 12th

Planet: Neptune

Traditional Ruler: Jupiter


Intuitive, Compassionate, Artistic, Dream

Pisces is the wise but idealistic zodiac sign.  Pisces typically have old souls and have a lot things they want to fantasize about but usually fail to act upon. They’re emotional and often struggle with defining the lines in all their relationships. They enjoy isolation, much like Aquarius, but also enjoy having company when they’re ready. They often get lost in their fantasies so occasionally they need some to knock them down to earth. This personality will tend to be very good entertainers, as they are able to transfer into performing with their emotions. They are also extremely intuitive personals that can sense anything before it happens. Pisces is all about everything spiritual and anything that is hidden from us, with Pisces we learn how to combine the boundaries of the physical and spiritual realms. With Pisces’ vast imagination they can often create amazing creative projects, however they may have a difficult time with expecting anything less than their reality. Lastly, Pisces -similar to Libra- have a deep need for romance, in terms of wanting a spiritual connection with the one. These hopeless romantics could imagine their perfect love life, life, and career all day if they could.

Without Pisces we would not be able to have imaginations and manifest them into something physical

Thank you for reading through this guide I put together, Soon I will be releasing even more information about each aspect of each sign! Sources:

The Astrology Bible by Judy Hall

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